Thursday, August 21, 2008

How many of you are there out there, and how similar are they to you?

Yes a rather odd question for a title. Basically, one night (tonight, in fact), I decided to Google my name to see what turns up. I'm doing this not for pride's sake, but rather that there is an increasing trend for employers to want to Google potential employees to see what they're like - this involves visiting their MySpaces (I have none), blogs (only this one), Facebook (which I have, but hardly use because I spend most of my time with either uni work or research work), Friendster (which I had a looong time ago but which I will delete... soon... if I remember!). Of course, any pictures or comments or videos that you post is visible to the public (depending on your settings), not that I post anything offensive, but just be aware that employers might have a look around.

To those I have written to on their blogs: Hello! I wrote hello note(s) on your pages just to say hello and am wondering if we share anything in common. I initiated contact for the sole purpose of getting to know other people who have the same name as me, nothing else, but pure friendship. To those who got the mail, feel free to leave a comment to this post if you wish :-)

1 comment:

Joel Tay said...

You might as well start a blog with just your resume there and visit it a hundred times everyday so that you resume comes out top every time you google it.