Friday, August 1, 2008

Game Theory: WHY!?

How ironic that since last semester, I thought, oooh yes I would LOVE to do game theory. I understood that it involved quite a fair bit of mathematics, but I thought that I could possibly manage. The first week of class was easy - just a revision of some common games, including the infamous Prisoner's Dilemma. But then the second week came, and that was a killer because I realized one important thing... math is INsufficient (what a shock, I know!) for game theory; one also needs to have strong skills in figuring diagrams out when the explanations somehow don't do the work... and I have read the prescribed chapter of the book, and I think if I were to read it twice, it wouldn't help get me from understanding nothing to understanding something! What a shock this class has turned out to be, but I, determined to be some sort of a future microeconomist, have to hold on I suppose. If this is only week 2, I am dreading week 3!

This brings me to a question I really should ask myself: Do I REALLY want to become a game theorist, or a microeconomist for that matter?!

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